💼 What I'm Working On

Your patience should be rewarded, here's what I've been working on.

Due to, gestures vaguely, my newsletter ended up on the back foot. Let's try to change that. There are over 150 of you now, and you should be rewarded for your patience. Here's what I've been working on.

👨🏼‍💼 Work

Meet the team: David Darnes
What do you do at zeroheight? My title is “Developer Advocate,” which can be depicted literally as advocating for developers who want to use zeroheight,

My new job, Developer Advocate at zeroheight

Lightning talk at All Day Hey!
My “Building tabs in Web Components” talk from All Day Hey! in Leeds

I spoke at a conference! And I have more lined up

The Case for Web Components
In a JavaScript-dominated community, native solutions like Web Components often get overlooked. The Case for Web Components is your guide to mastering

I wrote a book on Web Components! It's small but mighty

Design Systems WTF
Thoughts, ideas and resources for design systems

A side quest of mine at zeroheight, a blog focused on design systems

I post and send out newsletters quite regularly on Design Systems WTF (certainly helps when it's part of your day job). If you're interested in what I have to say on design systems and useful resources, you should subscribe either via email or RSS.

In October and November, I'll be speaking at three different conferences. State of the Browser, Web Dev Conf and Converge. If you can make it to any of these it'll be great to see you there 😊

👨🏼‍💻 Open source

Web Component GitHub starter template
I made an open source GitHub template to help me spin up new Web Components, and I thought you might find it useful as well.
link-peek Web Component
The link-peek Web Component allows you to turn a regular anchor link to a rich preview (also known as an ‘unfurled’ link) to show description, meta image, website name and more using a JSON API.
play-button Web Component
Styling audio and video elements can be a bit of a pain, especially across browsers. At the same time current solutions are either hacky CSS or overly engineered JavaScript. The play-button component allows you to play, and pause, audio and video with a single button element.
mastodon-post Web Component
The mastodon-post Web Component allows you to turn a regular link to a Mastodon post into an embeddable post quote including metadata such as reply count, boost count, favourites and more.
code-pen Web Component
A Web Component for opening code blocks in CodePen.
Awesome Standalones
Reviving one of the most popular Web Components directory on GitHub

It's been super interesting to learn more about vanilla Web Components, especially after working on Nord Design System. I'm super proud of that work, but I feel like I skipped a step by diving straight into Lit.

daviddarnes - Repositories
Developer Advocate at @zeroheight . daviddarnes has 63 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

The above is just a small sample of the open-source work I've done on Web Components; you can find a full list on GitHub using the link above.

🎁 Wrapping up

For those of you who follow my work on Mastodon, most of the stuff linked above won't be news to you. But for the rest of you, I hope you find this stuff useful in your work and interests; that's what I like doing for people.

If you'd like to get in touch with anything, whether that be guidance or work, please get in touch. It'll be great to hear from you. Until next time, peace ✌🏻