play-button Web Component

Styling audio and video elements can be a bit of a pain, especially across browsers. At the same time current solutions are either hacky CSS or overly engineered JavaScript. The play-button component allows you to play, and pause, audio and video with a single button element.


<play-button> connects <audio> and <video> elements up to a single <button> element so that you can control the playing and pausing of the audio or video.

A Web Component to play audio or video with a button. Latest version: 1.0.0, last published: 23 days ago. Start using @daviddarnes/play-button in your project by running `npm i @daviddarnes/play-button`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using @daviddarnes/play-button.

The component came out of my need to style the audio element, which found me fighting a lot with browser specific styles that ultimately would need to be done again in the next browser I tested in. In addition the options out there are far too large for my needs, as I just wanted to play a small piece of audio without all the controls taking up space on screen.


The <play-button> component can be used with the help of a script tag and placing a typical form within it like so:

<script type="module" src="play-button.js"></script>

  <audio controls src=""></audio>

play-button example usage

Note that the content of the Web Component is just an audio element and a button element, and this is what will be rendered on the page. To hide the audio element you can make use of the :defined pseudo selector, ensuring to maintain a graceful fallback if the component doesn't load properly:

<script type="module" src="play-button.js"></script>

  <audio controls src=""></audio>

  play-button:defined audio,
  play-button:not(:defined) button {
    display: none;

example of hiding the audio element within the play-button component

The above example utilises play-button:defined to hide the audio when the component is loaded and play-button:not(:defined) to hide the button if the component hasn't loaded.

Usage with other Web Components

One additional feature of play-button is that pressing the button while the audio or video is playing will pause it. If you want to change how the button looks to reflect state you can use it in conjunction with the is-playing Web Component I created:

<script type="module" src="is-playing.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="play-button.js"></script>

    <audio controls src=""></audio>
      <span class="play-label">Play</span>
      <span class="pause-label">Pause</span>

  is-playing[playing] .play-label,
  is-playing:not([playing]) .pause-label {
    display: none;

example of using is-playing component with play-button to change the button label on state

The above example utilises is-playing[playing] to hide the play label when the audio is playing and is-playing:not([playing]) to hide the pause label when the audio is not playing.

See my article about the is-playing Web Component for more details:

is-playing Web Component
is-playing is a Web Component that checks if an audio or video element is playing content and applies a playing attribute to itself and the element that is playing.

Further reading

You can check out the source code, documentation and working demo over on GitHub:

GitHub - daviddarnes/play-button: A Web Component to play audio or video with a button
A Web Component to play audio or video with a button - GitHub - daviddarnes/play-button: A Web Component to play audio or video with a button